In December, I participated at the 1st Annual Central Bank Conference on Development Economics in the Middle East and North Africa and presented my paper „A model for central bank digital currencies: Implications for bank funding and monetary policy“. For...
The future of payments Authors: Maximilian Forster, Jonas Gross, Anja Kristina Kamping, Serkan Katilmis, Dr. Mario Reichel, Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Philipp Schröder Digitization is taking hold of entire industries, including in Germany. The area of the “Internet of...
Authors: Jonas Gross, John Kiff While much attention is focused on the retail central bank digital currency (rCBDC) ruminations of China, Europe and the United States, aside from China, smaller jurisdictions are actually leading the way. Although the People’s Bank of...
In this article, we analyze from a legal perspective how the topic of data protection, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), plays out specifically in the context of blockchain-based databases. In our legal assessment, we distinguish between 1)...
Derzeit prüfen Notenbanken rund um den Globus die Einführung Digital-Versionen ihrer Währungen. Heute will die EZB eine wichtige Weiche für die mögliche Einführung eines digitalen Euros stellen....